


viernes, 28 de marzo de 2014

How well you know each other?

In a few months, the school year will be over.
You have been writing each other for some months and it is time you share this experience with all bloggers.
We propose that you create a poster about your pen pal, including important data about his/her life and personality.


1. Gather all the information and pictures
2. Write a short article about him/her
3. Make a hand-made poster

Place of birth:
What does he/she look like? Add a picture!!!


ROUTINES: week, weekends

LIKES AND DISLIKES: School subjects, hobbies,books, music, food, etc.
Ask him/her to choose something really special for every sense
a melody, noise, voice (hearing)
sunset, ... (sight)
chocolate, tea,... (taste)



viernes, 14 de marzo de 2014

¿Qué hay de comer?

In the United States students eat lunch in school. Yankton High School has over 900 students. 900 students cannot sit in the cafeteria at the same time. If you are a fourth year student (a senior) you may leave school and eat lunch at home or in a café. The other students eat A lunch or B lunch. A lunch begins at 11:22 and ends at 11:48. B lunch begins at 12:18 and ends at 12:44. Students must eat very quickly. Because there are many students in the cafeteria it is noisy. Do you think this is a good idea? Do you eat lunch quickly? What is your favorite lunch?
Students in the Yankton cafeteria during lunch.

viernes, 31 de enero de 2014

What were you like as a child?

¿Cómo eras de niño? ¿Con qué jugabas? ¿Quién era tu mejor amigo? ¿Qué programas veías en la tele? Please share stories from when you were young.

jueves, 16 de enero de 2014

BRRRR!!!...It's cold!!

We have been having VERY cold weather. The weather has not been this cold for more than 20 years. Monday, Jan. 6th, we had no classes because the cold was dangerous. Busses and cars would not start and there was a danger of frostbite/hypothermia if skin was not covered –very dangerous for ears and noses. For fun, we boil water, put the hot water in a cup and go outside. When you throw the water into the air, it freezes immediately and falls to the ground as ice. Then we come back inside to drink hot chocolate or tea. Saturday it will be warm – we are hoping 7 or 8 degrees Celsius. It will be nice to leave the house without gloves, hats, scarves, and big boots.

miércoles, 18 de diciembre de 2013

First public appearance of the Catalan Tio in South Dakota

Nuestro Caga Tió -- de un i-phone 
Latest news from across the Atlantic:
"Poop log, poop turron, if you don’t poop well, I’ll hit you with a stick”
Students at Yankon High have just  adopted the Pooping Log tradition. This event represents a  milestone in history since no evidence has been found, until now, of Pooping Logs in the area.
Students at Yankton have had great fun with the ceremony and have
expressed great satisfaction with the presents they have received.

Últimas noticias del otro lado del Atlántico:
"Caga Tió, caga turró, si no et donaré un cop de bastó"
Los alumnos de Yankton High acaban de adoptar la tradición del Caga Tió. Este acontecimiento representa un hito histórico ya que no existe evidencia, hasta ahora, de que un Caga Tió apareciera por la zona.  Los alumnos de Yankton se han divertido con la ceremonia del Caga Tió y han expresado gran satisfacción por los regalos recibidos.

viernes, 13 de diciembre de 2013


From left to right: Marina , Aïna , Anna , Fabian , Joel, Jordà, Raquel and Xiomara.
Here in Catalonia we have a very funny tradition. It is about a trunk that we hit with a stick while we sing a song: "Caga tió, caga turró d'avellanes i mató, caga força embolicat amb una bossa, caga bé, embolicat amb un paper. Caga tió sino et donarem un cop de bastó!!" 
Then we look under the trunk and we see that there are a lot of presents.The parents put  the presents under the trunk
while the kids aren't in the room.

Raquel Pi
Núria Sánchez
Aina Martí
Xiomara Romero