


martes, 3 de diciembre de 2013

BLACK FRIDAY...Does this ring a bell?

In a recent post, our key pals from South Dakota told us about BLACK FRIDAY, the Friday following Thanksgiving Day in the US (the fourth Thursday of November), often regarded as the beginning of the Christmas shopping season. 
A very popular department store in our country has recently launched its Black Friday Campaign.
Does it ring a bell for you?
Did you go shopping on Black Friday?
What do you think about the increasing adoption of American traditions by your own culture?
Can you think of any other traditions and festivities that have also been adopted from the US or other countries?

12 comentarios:

  1. No i never heart nothing about black friday

    No i never go shopping on black friday

    I think it's good but also it's bad because we learn more about this culture but we ara losing our propium culture

    Yes in Spain we make hallowen an Santa claus

  2. Hi! I never went shopping in Black Friday.
    I think it's brillant because the people gone shopping.

  3. Hello! Inever went shooping in Black Friday
    but I would go shopping when is Black Friday

  4. Hey! I heard about Black Friday because I watch fashion videos on Youtube from people who live in the USA and I think it's great, we should celebrate it in Catalonia too. I never went Black Friday shopping. I think increasing American culture is fantastic because I love American culture. We adopted Halloween and something more but I can't remember what else we adopted.

  5. Hi!:3 I never heard that about black friday but i think it's very interesting!
    well, it's ok, but i wil think that the things that isn't from your country it will do not interest to the tourists, but, i don't mind about it :P

  6. Yes I know about the Black Friday because I saw this on the TV. My parents went shopping on the Black Friday. I think it's good because it is fantastic to have some tradictions of American Culture and we learn some of Yankton and South Dakota :P.

  7. I don't know a lots of things about black friday, but i think it's very interesting.
    I didn't go shopping on black friday.

  8. I don't go shopping on black friday. I think it's good to adopt american traditions, but when all is different all is more beautifull and we have more things to talk.
    Some traditions and festivities like santaclaus or halloween are festivities that all the people don't do it, but some people like me love them.

  9. Yo creo que Black Friday es mi día favorito porque compro mucha ropa y no tengo que gastar mucho dinero.

  10. Winter Sales here start in January, just after Christmas... when you have already spent all your money.

  11. Black Friday es muy divertido porque compre mucha ropa por los precios bajos. iEs un dia fantastico!
